Communities Without Borders is an all-volunteer organization with the exception of our Field Operations Manager.
We have a U.S. and Zambian Board of Directors composed of professionals in the fields of medicine, law, finance, education, technology, social work, international relations, government, and business.
CWB Board of Directors in U.S.
Peter Smith, President and Co-founder; Principal, Global Urban Solutions, Advisory Council United Nations of Greater Boston. Peter and his wife, Helen, typically travel to Zambia each year to meet with school leaders and our Zambia board.
Louis F. Licht III, Vice President, Treasurer, is a retired U.S. diplomat who has served in five countries and Washington DC, and a former journalist.
Robin Kutner, Clerk, is a retired special education teacher with 39 years experience with primary and secondary grades in private and public schools. She traveled to Zambia in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Gisela Geiger grew up in Bremen, Germany. Trained as a Physical Therapist. She studied and worked in Geneva/Switzerland, specializing in Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT) for young and prematurely born infants, which brought her to Children’s Hospital Boston and work with the organization Early Intervention. Now retired.
Chomba Kaluba is a native of Zambia and graduate of Bates College and SIT Graduate Institute. He brings to our team his passion and extensive experience working with underserved communities here in the USA and around the globe. His main focus is promoting sustainable community development and access to education, especially for women and youth. He is also a sought-after keynote speaker and facilitator on topics of Diversity and Inclusion, Youth Empowerment, and Community Building.
Rebecca Kimball is Director of Patient Financial Navigation at Indiana University Health. She has been involved with CWB since middle school, when she began volunteering at fundraising events. She traveled to Zambia in 2008 and 2009, and led the trip to Zambia in 2016.
Theresa Lungu is a native of Luanshya, Zambia, in the Copper Belt. She is the founder of Books for Zambia, and the author of novels Twilight in the Morning and Torment of an Angel. Theresa is a graduate of Boston College and a recipient of the Dean’s Award for Creative Writing. She is currently an employee of Harvard University.
Debra Minard is a retired software engineer and a serious amateur cellist. She traveled to Zambia in 2012 and 2016.
CWB-Z Board of Directors in Zambia
Sekani Nkhata, Chair; Manager for Zambian signage company.
Mukachilima Chikuba, Director; M.D., Chief of Party for Support to HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe/SHARE II).
Sula Mahoney, Director; Manager, Business Outsourcing, BDO Zambia.
Edna Mudenda, Director; Director Bank of Zambia.
Mrs. Evita Phanor, Director.
Jessie Phiri, CWB Field Operations Manager, in Lusaka, Zambia.

CWB Field Operations Manager: Jessie Phiri
Jessie works closely with both CWB boards to ensure that the activities in Zambia reflect their goals. She provides weekly reports of activities, oversees expenditures in Zambia, purchases materials for students, and works with local stakeholders to ensure the success of the CWB mission on the ground. Jesse serves on the Board of Directors of Communities Without Borders Zambia (CWB-Z), and she is the liaison between the CWB and CWB-Z boards.
She received her Certificate in Teaching at KAM Early Childhood Teacher Training & Consultancy in 1999, a Certificate in Management at ASTIM in 2006 and has continued her professional education in best practices, health promotion and community school teaching skills. Jesse has been a teacher since 1998 at the community school in Bauleni, and also was a field worker for the Society of Women Against AIDS in Zambia (SWAAZ) from 2000 to 2002.