“I am because we are.
We are because I am.
– John Mbiti/African proverb
On February 11, 2019, Beau Stubblefield-Tave, Managing Principal of the Center for Culturally Fluent Leadership, interviewed Dick Bail, MD, the co-founder of Communities Without Borders. The video is available on YouTube.
Dick talked about being a physician, FUUSN, anti-racism work, his involvement in world health and Africa, Communities Without Borders, teamwork, Ubuntu, philosophical ideas, cultural competency, gratitude, family, and facing cancer and death. Beau summed it up to Dick: “Your life has truly been amazing and inspirational.”
The full video is A Conversation between Dick Bail and Beau Stubblefield-Tave.
A segment on how Dick became interested in Africa starts HERE.
A segment on CWB immediately follows, starting HERE.